Cash Patient Price List       
ServicePrice ServicePrice ServicePrice
 ($)  ($)  ($)
Professional Services  Skin/Surgical  Immunizations 
Clinic visit70 Drainage of abscess, simple100 Hib30
Sports Physical70 Drainage of abscess, complex150 HPV (3 dose)175
   Remove foreign body, simple150 Pneumococcal, 23-valient85
Spinal treatments  Remove foreign body, complex250 Pneumococcal, 13-valent180
Decompression (VAX-D)50 Biopsy skin lesion, first100 Rotovirus (3 dose)95
E-stimulation (30 minutes)50 Biopsy skin lesion, additional25 Dtap (< age 7)15
   Removal of skin tags, 1-15 units75 MMR70
   Removal of skin tags, ea addtl 1025 Poliovirus (IPV)90
ServicePrice Avulsion of nail plate100 Tdap (age > 10)55
 ($) Evacuate subungual hematoma50 Meningococcal, IM135
Cardiac  Excision of nail and nail matrix250 Zoster225
EKG25 Wedge excision of nail (ingrown nail)150 HepB (3 dose)15
   Initial treatment of 1st degree burn75 HepB (adult)55
HEENT  Destroy benign/pre-malig lesion, 1st75 Flu, age > 350
Audiogram screening20 Destroy lesion 2-1410   
Tympanogram15 Destroy lesion 15 or more150 Injections 
Ear lavage25 Umbilical cautery75 Toradol (130mg)2
      Kenalog (10 mg)5
GI  Wound Care / Repair  Rocephin (250mg)5
Anoscopy70 Repair superficial wound100 Tigan10
   Initial closure, <2.5cm250 Vit B122
Pulmonary  Initial closure, 2.6 - 7.5 cm300 Testosterone (1cc/200 mg)5
Spirometry40 Initial closure (face lesion) < 2.5cm250 Dexamethasone (1cc=4mg)2
Nebulizer treatment25 Initial closure (face lesion) 2.6 - 5 cm300 Depo-Provera15
Pulse oximeter2    Depo-medrol (40mg)5
Peak flow20 Laboratory  Solu-medrol (125mg)10
Spirometry, pre & post tx60 Venipuncture3 Insulin (5 units)2
   Urine analysis, non-automated5   
MSK  Urine pregnancy10 Administration Fees 
Drain/Inject joint/bursa, small65 Blood, occult5 Single vaccine15
Drain/Inject joint/bursa, intermed65 Accucheck (glucose)5 Additional vaccine15
Drain/Inject joint/bursa, major65 TB intradermal10 Injection (medication)25
Aspirate/Inject ganglion cyst65 Rapid strep A test15   
Inject tendon sheath/ligament65      
Inject tendon origin/insertion65      
Inject trigger pt (1-2)65      
Inject trigger pt, additional25